Venture Center


It is a service provided by Hamon Venture Center.

Offering Service

01 Web hosting

We provide a web hosting server for uploading homepages only.

02 Internet service

We provide in-house IP band and public Internet service to enable everybody to use the Internet without any problems.

03 Security system

The common security system (CAPS) and the room security system (face recognition device) are built-in security-safe.

04 Product briefing session

Once a semester, the tenants will come together to hold a product briefing session. You know what they are doing.

05 Cleaning service

We provide cleaning service once a week (Saturday) for rent.

06 Internet phone

We provide two free internet telephones per room.
However, some charges will be incurred depending on the phone usage time.

07 Official use meeting room

With 4 public meeting rooms and 2 public common rooms, you can take advantage of the larger space available.

08 Official use break room

With 4 public meeting rooms and 2 public common rooms, you can take advantage of the larger space available.


01 Parking service

You can register the vehicle you want to register at 100,000 won as a regular vehicle.

02 Moving consulting

If you do not have basic furniture such as furniture, blinds, and telephone, we will provide consulting for low cost.